by SYSTEM-9 S9 | Nov 20, 2022 | Andy Dowsett, Junior Atheletes, Uncategorized
This year, S9 began teaching tennis in a secondary school. This is the first time in the schools’ history that this has happened, and for many of the students, this was the first time experiencing tennis! Now three months in, we have 120 children or 10% of the school,...
by admin | May 25, 2021 | Andy Dowsett, Junior Atheletes, Parent, Uncategorized
In this article we will look at playing the game of tennis and how to improve our abilities through match play. When I look back to when I played tennis as a youngster, I went to the club after school with my mates and played tennis till the adults told us to leave!...
by admin | Mar 23, 2021 | Andy Dowsett, Uncategorized, Winning and Losing
Recently I was a guest on the ‘What are you talking about Willis?’ podcast with Marcus Willis and Dave Earl. Dave Earl is an LTA level 5 coach with over twenty years coaching experience. Marcus Willis is famed for playing Roger Federer in the second round of Wimbledon...
by admin | Jan 4, 2021 | Andy Dowsett, Uncategorized, Winning and Losing
Practice makes perfect permanent Mastery When I work with groups of junior players learning to play tennis, I use a plan which helps structure the learning processes within each lesson. Below you will see a glimpse of the SYSTEM-9 lesson plan which I use and which...
by admin | Dec 21, 2020 | Andy Dowsett, Uncategorized, Winning and Losing
When working with elite players we need to ensure that we create a little more pressure in the practice environment. This ensures we can add the extra ingredients required that are missing when we are in a match situation. It also ensures we produce players rather...