We discussed at our recent GAMEPLAN event (pictured), the importance of being supportive and non-judgemental of your child when they are competing in a match.  As a parent it is all too easy to get caught up in the emotions of watching your child play a match, and it’s quite difficult not to make suggestions on how they can improve their game…. when, as Craig O’Shannessy said, all you really should be doing is providing a snack and chauffeuring to and from the event!

It is quite often the case that the coach is unable to attend all their players’ matches; so how do you positively support your child AND report back to the coach?  At Tennis Parents we have developed a downloadable worksheet which you can take along to matches.

The chart (link below) links to a match report which will help your child’s coach understand the match; what worked well and what the subsequent coaching sessions will need to cover.

Game Number This is self-explanatory and will say no more!

SVE/RTN Place whether your child is serving or returning to help the coach understand what happens in each situation.

1-4, 5-8, 9+ Shots  This is also known as the first strike area, patterns of play and extended point play. I have my players ensure they can complete the first two shots of the point. As a parent count the number of shots in the court and mark accordingly in the table.

Winning or Error Shot  Here you need to add what the last shot hit by your child was; whether a winner or error. If the opponent makes an error on the last shot, make a note of the last shot hit by your child as a winning shot.

Game Score  At the end of each game simply write in the score.


  • Have your child write down up to 5 things he did well and up to 5 things he/she needs to work.
  • Parents can also make any further notes or observations if required.

Download the Tennis Parents Match Report

Hope this is helpful! Please feel free to share with all parents and coaches.

Andy Dowsett
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