TIME: 10AM – 4PM
Tennis looks like a game of pinball, with the ball careening here, there, and everywhere. But it’s not. It’s actually the exact opposite. Tennis is a game of repeatable patterns in four specific areas – serving, returning, rallying and approaching. Study the patterns, learn the winning percentages, and make the game simple. That’s what Brain Game Tennis stands for. No more guessing. No more opinions. Just the facts please…
The First 4 Shots.
Practice is all about long rallies, but matches are all about short rallies.
Dou8les Num3ers.
Unique doubles data with the most comphrehensive analysis of doubles data in our sport
Short Ball Hunter.
The world thinks you can’t come to the net anymore… the world is wrong! Find out what high % strategy is!
Learn the nighest % patterns to be a step ahead.
25 Golden Rules of Singles.
Learn the best patterns of play from the best players in the world!
25 Golden Rules of Doubles.
Learn the importance of positioning and teamwork.
Between the Points.
Mental and emotional. Learn what to focus on to be more positive.

Presented by: Craig O’Shannessy
Craig O’Shannessy is widely recognised as the world leader in teaching and analysing tennis strategy.
Craig specialises in this specific area of the sport, creating his online Brain Game Tennis business to teach players, coaches and fans the patterns of play, and winning percentages that dominate our sport.
Craig’s unique talent comes from blending specific skills to an exemplary level.
He is the total package of tour coach and media expert, but with the additional ability to discuss the game in a refreshing, informed and tactical manner.
- Under 16. Note that no more than 2 children per adult
- This is a ticket for FOUR (either adults/children/coaches). Max TWO adults.
- Coaches will receive 6 licence points for attending the event.