The way you apply for CPD credits is changing. once you’ve completed a course with S9 or read one of our books you will now be able to apply for CPD credits though the LTA’s Independent Learning scheme. The detail below is taken directly from the LTA site and the link below connects to a form where you apply for your credits.
Independent learning will allow coaches to source quality and relevant CPD that is based on their needs and interests, and be awarded credits upon successful reflection of learning. This will include a flexible range of formal and informal learning and can be outside of the core LTA offering. Independent Learning is currently in a period of review following the trial period.
There are two forms of independent learning:
Formal: Where a coach has booked onto and taken part in a structured learning course/activity with defined learning outcomes, led by professional, experienced tutors and industry experts. Subject to satisfactory reflection, 1 credit will be awarded for each hour of CPD completed, with a maximum of 12 credits per learning. These include:
- Face to face workshops (relevant non-LTA courses, conferences or CPD events)
- Online courses (that include an assessment/knowledge check)
- Degree programmes (relevant undergraduate and postgraduate study)
Informal: Where a coach has taken part in an unstructured learning practice. Subject to satisfactory reflection, 1 credit will be awarded for the reflection of the informal CPD activity and how it will impact your coaching practice. These include:
- Webinars (in a relevant subject matter)
- Videoed lectures/presentations (from leading experts, over 30 minutes)
- Technical books (relevant to coaching i.e. not including autobiographies)
- Peer-reviewed research article (i.e. not including magazines)
- Technical sports coaching podcasts (i.e. educational rather than entertainment)
Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis and credits are awarded to genuine educational experiences that are considered above and beyond your day-to-day activities, and that have been completed in the last 12 months.